Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Busy, productive, and loving unemployment

These days I'm reading a textbook called "The Economics of the Welfare State", which is unusual as an economics textbook in that it contains discussion of the underlying issues of political philosophy (but in a "quantitative" way that economists love). Note that economists are normally violently allergic to philosophy in any way, shape or form, and spend zero time discussing ethics, morality, methodology, etc... I found this trait rather disgusting and annoying.

This book is different and is pure catnip. Right now I'm struggling to get my head around John Rawls from the brief blurb in the book. "Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged?" What the hell does that mean? I might need a better reference. Heck, I might even need the original (Theory of Justice).

Unemployment has its privileges.


Chuk said...
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fiona-h said...

love your title for this - glad you're enjoying yourself :-)